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C Rus:
“I love Todd Friel and this book was really easy to read and fast-paced. He emphasizes raising the church’s view of the Bible by elevating the Word of God above what’s “in” at the moment and making a difference at the local level, in our local church. We Christians need to pray for discernment for ourselves, for our local body of believers and for the church as a whole! I recommend this book.”

“Todd explores the REAL meaning of these words given to us in the word of God. So many Christians have been lied to about keeping their mouths shut when they should be speaking out in Love, they have been lied to that it is okay to go to venues that are not of God when they should be admonished with Love. Great read for getting us back in God’s favor. He exposes what can only be called “the tomfoolery” inside some of the more prominent churches of our day.”

Ricke Harris:
“Todd Friel has the fortitude to say that there is an elephant in the room, when others just act like it isn’t there. He uses satire, but behind it all it is seen that his heart is broken at what he sees. While I do not agree with every single thing he says, he hits the nail on the head again and again. It is a good book to read for someone with an open mind, and who then will honestly take time to consider what has been said.”

M. Baldanza:
“This is a very important book for today’s Christianity. Mr. Friel writes in an enjoyable way about many true questions that are relevant to all Christians. He references his positions on the Word of God and is concise and witty on his writing. This is a must read book that surely will make us think and rethink many positions that we hold. Great book.”

David Smith:
“This book should be read by every contemporary church leader!! By design it offers a very poignant message of discernment and prescribes a strong wake-up call to the modern-day church!”

“I love Todd’s heart that comes through despite his somewhat snarky style. He addresses areas of problematic and concerning topics facing the Church in America today. This should be a must read for every pastor, assistant pastor, elder, deacon, lay-leader, church staff, and anyone concerned about their church or the state of the Church today.”

Judge Not



The Church has gone to the wolves.

  • The blasphemously named “Holy Ghost Bartender” encourages people to get “drunk in the Spirit” and fall down laughing maniacally.
  • A megachurch youth pastor puts peanut butter in his armpits and has his youth group lick it out.
  • In an effort to encourage his flock to have sex every day for a month, a celebrity pastor spends twenty-four hours in a bed, with his wife, on the roof of the church.

That is just the tip of the Evangelicalism insanity iceberg. A famine of biblical discernment has led to skinny sheep, fat goats, and a compromised Christian witness.

In Judge Not, Todd Friel dares to violate Evangelicalism’s First Commandment: “Thou shalt not judge.”

Friel satirically and painfully exposes some of the rot in the underbelly of the contemporary church, and points to a solution to help rescue the church, save souls, and glorify God.

It is time to act, before all of our children are consuming peanut butter a la armpit.



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